Under Construction


Howdy! You’ve probably noticed that the homepage is a little content light. You may see some blank panels where buttons should be, maybe a slider bereft of content, well, stuff goes there! I just need to make that stuff, to put in there. And here’s where we track that!

So! Here are pages I’ve got in the construction pipeline, in no particular order:

  • Cast Page – This is a page with character blurbs and illustrations of main characters as they’re introduced.
  • Find Me – A page with my social media links and the best ways to find me. With illustration
  • Help Me – A page with ways to help me make bills and support myself. With illustration.
  • Reach Me – A contact form page. With illustration.

There’s also a blank panel for different blog post archives, for the following kinds of posts:

  • News and Updates
  • Projects and Progress
  • Newest Post
  • Art and Other

The following pages will also be undergoing polishing:

  • Blog Post Archive
  • Page Archive

These will get more art assets.

I’ll be updating this post as I go, so check back here often!

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